Disease A - Z > Psoriasis > Psoriasis FAQ
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No, psoriasis is not contagious. It is not something you can "catch" or "pass on."The psoriasis lesion may look ugly, but they are not infectious
There are no specific blood tests or biochemical test to diagnose psoriasis. Your physician through physical examination can confirm the diagnoses. Skin biopsy might help in some confusing cases
Yes, there is a cure for psoriasis. Psoriasis can be effectively treated and cured with Homeopathy. It may take time depending on the severity of the case
Psoriasis occurs nearly equally in men and women across all socioeconomic groups. It is also present in all racial groups, but in varying rates
Psoriasis has a genetic basis: 36% to 91% of patients have some sort of family history of the disease. If both parents and a sibling have psoriasis, the risk is as high as 83%. Here are some other statistics to consider
Note that there is no case that is risk free 100%, this means that no one can say for certain that a given child will have psoriasis no matter what the family history. Also realize that psoriasis can occur in the complete absence of any family history
Yes, psoriasis generally has a tendency to aggravate during, dry, cold weather. Patients generally complain of increase in scaling flakes and itching during this season. Summers can be much better, with a considerable improvement in symptoms
Psoriasis most commonly appears on the scalp, knees, elbows and torso. But psoriasis can develop anywhere, including the nails, palms, soles, genitals, and very infrequently on the face. Often the lesions appear symmetrically, which means in the same place on the right and left sides of the body
The chances of you getting psoriasis depend on few factors cited below
You can take medicines for some acute problems which pop up during the course of treatment, but it’s always advisable to ask your physician before taking them, as there are some drugs or medicines which may flare up the psoriasis symptoms again. Vitamins, multi vitamins can be used but under proper guidance from the physician
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