Disease A - Z > Adenoid Hypertrophy > Patients Like Me Ask (FAQ)
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My child is being recommended for adenoidectomy. not sure if absolutely required. will homeopathy help immediately?
A. Children between ages 2-12 yrs. are very prone to get infection or inflammation of Adenoids. Generally most of the Allopathic physicians recommend, antibiotics or steroids or surgery. But these are only temporary measures which in long run have severe side effects like decreased appetite, lack on concentration, dullness, irritability, anger, lowered immunity. Homeopathy has wonderful therapy without any side effects to treat these problems permanently. On the other hand using Homeopathy improves the child’s immunity, and he can keep away from recurrent infections and fever too.
We have been treating such cases thorough Homeopathy every day, from all over the world with a very high success rate.
My son is 2 years 5 months old, an x-ray result has confirmed he has got very enlarge Adenoid, however his ENT consultant has given one steroid nasal drops for a month to shrink it, but it’s been a 2 weeks and there is no change at all, now I want to know if we try your medicine how long will that take to cure completely?
A. Adenoids are the most common problem which kids face, though most of the physicians and pediatricians recommend surgery and steroids. These methods of treating kids can be very harmful to them in long run, causing more deep seated diseases.
Homeopathy works best for such conditions. The time required to completely uproot the problem would be between 5-6 months. When we say completely cure means, the problem would never surface again, neither the Kid will have any other side effects while using these medicines.
My son is 2 years 5 months and has problem of hearing and some fluid in middle ear, Doctors say he has to be operated, please suggest.
A. Homeopathy can cure this problem permanently without surgery and any side -effetcs. Allopathic medicines have no cure for this problem at all; they only have one solution that is to remove the adenoids through surgery which may cause side effects.
Homeopathy has Wonderful Medicines, which will address the problem completely and improve your kids immunity, thereby making him resistant to frequent infections. But it’s important to find a right Homeopath or a Right Organization which Practices Right Homeopathy.At AUROH we have been treating cases since 15 yrs. with remarkable results, throughout the world; we have patients in over 56 countries. Our Success stories are the testimonials which our various patients have written about us.
I have a 3 and 1/2 year old girl baby who has some kind of hearing problem recently. I took her to ENT and they checked and said she has middle ear problem and adenoid problem. And the fluid should be removed. There is a surgical procedure to put a hole in the ear drumand drain the ear fluid. I took 3 to 4 doctors opinion and based on the audiometry test everyone suggested the same. This problem is there for her only for the past 2 months. I wanted to know if there is a better treatment than a surgery. Your suggestions please?
A. Adenoids are rudimentary glands, which regress on its own when a person is nearing 15 – 16 yrs of age, this gland particularly has high chances of getting infected in childhood, the reason being weak immunity of Kids. Surgery will only help removing the effect (Enlarged Tonsils or Adenoids) but wont address the main cause (weak immunity) Hence after surgery the kid becomes more prone to different upper as well as lower respiratory infections, namely Allergic Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Laryngitis, to name a few. Therefore the main objective of the Physician has to address the main issue, that is help improve the kids immunity with natural medicines like homeopathy, so that they don’t fall sick again and again.
Surgery has short term as well as long term side effects like progressive bleeding, scarring, hearing loss etc. Homeopathy treats the root cause, without any side effects and helps the kid stay hale and Healthy throughout his life.
Homeopathy is highly recommended for such cases.
I would appreciate information about this treatment. I have a child who is 3 years old and recently was diagnosed with adenoid hypertrophy. Can we give him other medication in case of some acute illness, like fever, stomach pain, etc. How will you follow up my Kids progress, while you are situated so far?
A. Adenoids are rudimentary glands, which regress on its own when a person is nearing 15 – 16 yrs of age, this gland particularly has high chances of getting infected in childhood, the reason being weak immunity of Kids. These glands when functioning normally help prevent further spreading the infection to other parts by themselves getting enlarged. Kids between 2- 12 yrs are very prone to these infections because of weak and under developed immunity.
While the kid is going under treatment from us, we provide an Emergency medicine as well, which can be used for acute conditions, like fever, stomach pain, loose motions, skin allergies etc. Generally Allopathic drugs should be avoided because it hampers the progress of the treatment.
We have 24x7 patient support team; you can contact us through email, online chat, and video conferencing or call us on +91-9347065528, +91-9949565151, US & Canada (347) 879-0399. So contacting will not be a problem, you can let us know the progress through these mediums.
More over we have patients in more than 56 countries, and we have never had any problems while treating or following up their progress.
I am here to get some clarifications. I want some clarifications on adenoid. at what age an adenoid be a problem in children? My son is 18months. He snores at night during sleep and see to have stuffy nose all the time. I suspect it could be adenoid.
A. Adenoids are rudimentary glands, which regress on its own when a person is nearing 15 – 16 yrs of age, this gland particularly has high chances of getting infected in childhood, the reason being weak immunity of Kids.
Children between ages 2-12 yrs. are very prone to get infection or inflammation Adenoids Signs of Adenoids include, stuffy nose, breathing through mouth, snoring while sleeping, mild temperature is also present sometimes. Generally Kids have problem during eating, appetite is lowered, in long run can also effect their intellect and growth as well.
Homeopathy has excellent medicines to treat such conditions, and is highly recommended to improve ones immunity.
Hi, I am Sunesh. My son is having Adenoid. Doctor suggested surgery. Is there any treatment? Can I send his X ray to you?
A. Surgery has short term as well as long term side effects like progressive bleeding, scarring, hearing loss etc. Homeopathy treats the root cause, without any side effects and helps the kid stay hale and Healthy throughout his life.
X-ray can detect an enlarged Adenoid and the obstruction it causes in the air passage.
Homeopathy is highly recommended for such cases.
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